Feng Shui and the birth elements

Power up your life with your Feng Shui Birth element!

Are there certain colours that work better for you than others, and if so, which ones? In order to find out, it is important that you know your personal birth element.

My Feng Shui  birth element? That’s right, just as the day of your birth is a personal lucky number, there is an element associated with the year of your birth and that element is your personal birth element.

This means that one of the five elements will bring you more luck than the others and can improve your life, bring you more money and success.

Is it important to know your personal Feng Shui  element? Yes! That’s because it’s part of the key to your Feng Shui  success story.

Knowing your birth element can help you choose colours for your decor and use colours that make you feel and perform better than others—and help you realise your potential for success.

Your Personal Success Element can give you insight into your personality, both positive and negative aspects, as well as the health issues you may be facing.

Best of all, knowing your Feng Shui  birth element can guide you in choosing everything from gemstones that bring you good luck to choosing bedding and linens or even a car colour.

First, select your birth element based on the year you were born. Select from the table below, which shows items based on your birth year.


Feng Shui Birth Element Water

People with water elements are naturally fluid and transformative. They are deep thinkers who love reflection and meditation. They enjoy the time they spend alone because they are happy in their solitude. Sensitive and creative are two words that describe water element people. They have a depth that makes them difficult to shake.

One of their most important personality traits is worry and fear. Water element people can often withdraw from life and social environment, so there is a risk of depressive tendencies. Fear is an emotion that can keep them from moving forward and being afraid of the future, which keeps them from truly experiencing the present or making progress.

Their ability to change depending on their surroundings can often make them appear as if they have multiple personalities. But it is this adaptability that allows them to handle a wide range of situations and maintain diplomacy. Once fear is behind them, they can be formidable, powerful, and achieve great success.

Clothing and decoration colours: Metallic colours (white, grey, gold, silver) and water colours in blue, black, purple, turquoise and aqua

Best Decoration Items: Metal objects, images of water, mirrors, and water elements and colours.

Element that nourishes merpeople: metal

Clothing and decoration colours and elements to avoid: Neutral shades of beige and brown, wood, plant, green or brown tones

Feng Shui Birth Element Wood

People with wooden elements are innovative, creative and love to put big plans into action. You are brimming with enthusiasm and are great project managers. Another way to describe them is a Type A personality who is motivated, growth oriented, assertive and sometimes confrontational. Wood element people have a lot of energy and therefore need an outlet through creativity and physical exercise to release pent-up energy.

When wooden people are oppressed, their dynamic can feel angry and overbearing instead of expansive. When this tendency is strong without an outlet, the Wood element person can channel their anger inward, causing depression and worry. This can lead to problems such as excessive alcohol consumption, blood pressure, liver and gallstone problems.

One of their most important personality traits is growth, seeing the big picture and goal orientation.

As relentless as grass growing on a concrete sidewalk, any job that needs someone to see it through to completion, you should look to a timber contractor. Their environment needs to support and nurture their energy and find a way to keep them balanced so they can excel and use their growth energy to accomplish great things.

Clothing and decoration colours: Wood colours (green, brown) and water colours (blue, black, purple)

Best Decoration Items: Wooden objects, plants, images of plants, nature and water, water elements and colours

Element that nourishes wood people: Water

Clothing and decoration colours and elements to avoid: metal colours and elements

Feng Shui Birth Element Fire

It is exciting to be with people of the fire element. You have a natural creative and expressive flair and a real talent for acting, speaking and creating. When they are around they are the life of the party and are affectionate and loving people.

One of their most important personality traits is their self-confidence. Even if they don’t always know exactly what they’re doing, they ask themselves, “Why not?” The kind of attitude that can get them far. They must work on focusing their attention to see projects through to completion. Health problems can lead to eye problems, heart problems and blood pressure problems. Turned on its head, their enthusiasm can incite fear.

A generally happy person, the Fire Element personality can also know the depths of despair at times and develop a tendency to be overly dramatic and negatively fixated. A good example is the role of the actor with the happy mask and the sad mask. The firefighter can sometimes move too quickly between them. Overall, the Firefighter is upbeat, vivacious, and seeks that silver lining in life. Their fun-loving attitude and optimism will bring them well-directed achievements and the recognition they deserve.

Clothing and decoration colours: Fire colours (red, magenta, pink, purple, orange) and wood colours (brown, green)

Best Decoration Items: Wooden objects, plants, images of plants, candles, images of fire, images of the sun

Element that nourishes Fire People: Wood

Clothing and decoration colours and elements to avoid: Water colours like blue and black, and neutral colours like tan, beige, and yellow

Feng Shui Birth Element Earth

Earth element people are those who place others above themselves. They care about others and are trusting and caring people who will help you when you need them. The time we spend with friends and family means the most to the people of Earth. Polite and discreet, their love of good manners and simple politeness endears them.

One of their most important personality traits is their need for security in relationships, money and housing. They are practical, productive and self-sufficient. They will take your shirt off as they love to take care of others. On the other hand, the earth element can sometimes cause them to become martyrs and others to take advantage of them.

Earth elemental people can also be as unshakable as a mountain and possess an unrelenting stubbornness. In this regard, they can experience an unshakable faith and keep at the whetstone even when others have given up. People on Earth care too much about what others think of them. Their health can be affected by overeating, digestive problems, and being overweight, as they often don’t take care of themselves like others. When committed and practicing self-care and love, the earth element human can be a steadfast leader who can bring people together who will become their bridge to success.

Clothing and decoration colours: Light brown, yellow, orange, ochre, terracotta, beige, red, purple

Best Element Decoration Items: Fire, candles, stone or brick, crystals, earth elements

Element that nourishes people on Earth: fire elements, objects

Clothing and decoration colours and elements to avoid: White, grey, metallic, metallic, green and brown

Feng Shui Birth Element Metal

Metal Elemental people are methodical, detail-oriented, and picky (in a good way!). They are very structured and just like things that way. This is the personality who keeps cool under pressure and has an even temperament that manages to stay above the fray and is not prone to fits of drama. Their ability to stay focused is well known and they are just the right people for any job that requires follow-up work.

There can be a biased quality in the Metal personality that can sometimes take an inward direction. The need to follow rules and keep order can sometimes challenge the Metal element’s personality. If this is the case, it can lead to depression and feelings of despair in the person with the metal element.

People with metal elements are excellent scientists, doctors and accountants. In healthcare, concerns can focus on the lungs, such as COPD and asthma, infection issues, and digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn’s disease. In any profession in which a demanding personality is required, the person with the metal element can distinguish themselves. It is their spirit, when focused and free from judgment, that can propel them to their highest abilities and be the source of their greatest achievements.

Clothing and decoration colours: Metallic colours (white, silver, gray, brass, metallic finishes) and earth colours (yellow, tan, beige, terracotta).

Best Element Decoration Items: Metallic elements such as iron and metal objects and earth elements such as pictures of mountains, maps, globes and earth objects such as vases, china objects and crystals.

Element that nourishes metal people: Earth elements and objects

Clothing and decoration colours and elements to avoid: Water elements and colours blue or black as well as fire colours and elements like red, pink or purple.


Feng Shui Arrangement kitchen

Feng Shui Arrangement and Layout for the kitchen and stove

The kitchen should be adequately lit.

It should be airy and spacious.

Do not place the stove next to or directly across from the sink or  refrigerator. 

This is due to the incompatibility of the elements water and fire.

The stove must be at least one meter away from the sink.

The opening of the stove should face one of the best directions of the family man/woman. This provides power to the stove and the
food  prepared in it is an auspicious experience for the family.

Don’t try to liven up the kitchen with Feng Shui figures or mirrors.

Kitchens should be closer to the back door than the front door.

The kitchen should never be in the middle of the house.


Good Feng Shui kitchens should consider the orientation of the stove and oven. With a favourable orientation, the stove can bring enormous happiness to a family.

The kitchen stove should not be in the north-west sector. This is referred to as “Fire at Heaven’s Gate” and brings misfortune to the
breadwinner and causes the head of the household to lose their job and money.

The stove should not face the main door or a bedroom door.

The stove should not be located directly under an exposed ceiling beam.

Ovens should not be placed directly under a toilet on the floor above.

The stove should not be placed directly in front of a toilet door.


Two Important Elements feature the kitchen

Fire Element: Stove/Oven

Water Element: Sink & Refrigerator



Feng Shui and the lucky wealth

Tips to give your wealth luck a big boost

Wealth in  Feng Shui is not just about money. It’s about having enough money so you can live well, feel good, have good relationships, have new opportunities in your life, and more. The Chinese believe that it is wonderful to be rich and not only to have money in the bank, but also to have the freedom to live however you want. For the Chinese, wealth means much more than just hard cash. While it may be true that money can’t buy everything, it can buy quite a lot. Hence the obvious preoccupation of the Chinese with money!

Activate the southeast – the wealth sector

According to the 8 Aspirations formula, the SE sector governs wealth and money luck.

This is a Wood element sector, and you can use Element theory to give this sector a big boost.

You can do so by placing some healthy potted plants in this part of your living and dining room.

Boost the annual wealth star#8 in the south

Based on the Flying Star map, the Wealth Star #8 is in the South this year in 2023. You can bring this star to life by placing the Asset Wealth Bull or Choy San, the God of Wealth, in this part of your living room. Spend more time in this sector to infuse it with human yang activity and keep it brightly lit except during the months of July and August 2023, when this sector hosts some unlucky monthly stars.

Involve blessing of the wealth buddha

White Dzambhala is the wealth bestowing aspect of the Compassionate Buddha. The best way to invoke the wealth inviting energies of this wealth deity, to attract prosperity happiness and to protect yourself from financial worries of any kind is to display the White Dzambhala mansion in the center of your home. Build an altar for this mansion and offer 3 bowls of water and burning incense daily and chant the Mantra of Wealth Dzambhala 108 times daily.

Tap your personal wealth direction with your Kua Number

Your Sheng Chi direction is the direction that brings wealth and financial success. It creates the cause for career success and advancement, which brings improvements in income and earning power. 

Create a wealth waterfall 

Waterfalls are a great way to capture wealth luck for the home. However, different orientations of main doors are best suited to different types of waterfalls.

Feng Shui and the water wise

Use Water to absorb bad vibrations

Water is the most effective remedy to absorb bad vibrations and energies. If there seems to be excessive strife in the household, check your Flying Star natal chart. It could be that one of the rooms where you spend a lot of time (e.g. the living room or dining room) houses the contentious 2/3 or 3/2 combination. If so, place a YIN water cure here. The best Yin water cure is a lacquer bowl filled with still water. Be sure to change the water regularly to ensure mosquitoes don’t breed. However, the water must be calm, with no bubbles, movement, and no fish or creatures.

Water in the southeast and east bring growth energy

The Southeast and East sectors are both timber sectors. Therefore, both benefit from water, as water causes wood (plants, trees) to grow. The Southeast governs the prosperity and material happiness of the home (Theory of Eight Aspirations), while the East governs health and family affairs.

By placing a water feature to the east or southeast, you bring growth energy to the home. As a result, your children will grow into healthy young adults with good values, your business/career will thrive, and your horizons will expand.

Creating Feng Shui in Living Room

Creating Good Feng Shui in the Living Room

Creating a balanced and positively energetic home is the essence of living with good Feng Shui. The living room in particular is extremely important as this is where the family gathers, where there is a lot of entertainment and therefore it is a room where there is constant activity. For a household to enjoy good Feng Shui, this part of the home must be welcoming to all who enter and filled with good chi.

Here are some simple steps to instantly improve your living room Feng Shui.

Clean up and keep things tidy

Remove all clutter and give the living room a thorough spring cleaning. Clutter leads to stagnant energy, holding back negative chi and blocking the flow of good chi. By removing old, damaged or unwanted items, you allow new energies to enter the space. Clear tabletops and wipe down figurines, photo frames and any memorabilia you want to keep and throw away those you don’t want to keep. Open your curtains, windows, and doors at least once a day to let in fresh air and sunlight.


Burn some incense and clean the living room of stale chi with bells or singing bowls. This is especially helpful if there has been a recent dispute in this area.


The five elements – earth, metal, water, wood and fire – represent the cycles of nature that determine our health and well-being. When the elements are in balance, happiness and happiness can manifest for everyone in the home. When out of balance, they cause emotional turmoil and conflict between residents. Make sure you have all 5 items in your living room. You can use the elements themselves or use shapes and colours that represent the 5 elements.

The colours of the earth are earthy brown, yellow and beige. The shapes representing the earth are squares. Natural crystals are wonderful enhancers of earth chi.

The metal colours are white, purple, grey and metallic. The shapes that represent metal are spheres and circles. To reinforce the metal element, furniture and decorative items made of brass, copper or other metals can be used.

The water colours are black and all shades of blue. The shapes representing water are curvy and wavy. Water features such as aquariums and water bowls can be used to emphasise the element of water.

The wood colours are exclusively shades of green. The shapes that represent wood are rectangles and columns. Indoor plants are great for strengthening Wood Chi.

Fire colours are red, maroon and orange. The shape that represents fire is the triangle. Lights, lamps and candles are wonderful enhancers of the fire element.


The seating direction of each family member when they meet in the living room is also important. If possible, everyone should look in one of their lucky directions. This will help ensure family harmony within the home. You can use our KUA calculator to look up your lucky and unlucky directions.

Arrange your sectional sofa, chairs, and TV so family members can face one of their four happy directions. There should be a comfortable seat for each member of the household. Also, have extra seating available for guests because we want everyone to feel welcome and welcomed. Ideally, the seats should face each other to invite conversation and interaction. Eliminate clutter or obstacles that might prevent you from walking comfortably around the seats and avoid people sitting with their backs to the door.

Do’s and taboos for the living room

Create a collection of meaningful items, e.g. B. Memorabilia from family trips and family photos. Make sure your choice conveys happy energies. When you see these articles, they should bring a smile to your face.

DO NOT display paintings or photos of wild animals such as tigers in the living room. Weapons such as firearms and swords should also be avoided.

While living plants bring life-giving chi, not all plants are equally fortunate. Avoid plants with thorns or sharp leaves like cacti or anything that looks menacing.

A laughing Buddha in the living room is a great addition to increase the energies of happiness and togetherness.


Fengshui sayings about water

Wise sayings about Water

Water is often seen as synonymous with money for the Chinese. And indeed, there are many well-known instances where water, properly used in Feng Shui practice, has elevated the merely rich to the status of truly rich. Some of the most common examples you might hear about include a waterfall, yang water feature, or water motifs on the walls and decor of the space.

However, it must be borne in mind that water is also an element that can pose the greatest danger. The water trigram Kan actually means danger first. Translated as Abyssal in many texts, it generally symoolizes misfortune (middle yang line) trapped in matter (two yin lines). The trigram Kan is also a symbol for the soul. The soul must flow like the river from the source in the mountain to the sea, where it dies, turns into clouds and reincarnates as rain in the mountains. The motivation is danger and the abyss.

So how do you properly activate the immense power of water to create wealth while avoiding the taboos?

Never have water above you

As documented in the I Ching, the water above us poses a great danger. Therefore, never sleep with water above you. Don’t hang a water painting on thSe wall above your sleeping space. I know of a case where a so-called Feng Shui consultant recommended hanging a painting of a waterfall on the wall above the headboard of the bed. Its logic was that it would symbolise water, which brings copious wealth to the bed’s occupants during sleep. This only contributed to the fact that his clients couldn’t sleep well, and his clients were actually lucky not to have had an accident. The insomnia disappeared as soon as the water painting was removed.

Likewise, it is very dangerous to have a swimming pool on the roof. This used to be a common practice for tall buildings, especially city hotels and resorts, where it somehow made sense to place the pool on the roof so you could enjoy the sky and sun while swimming. Here’s another Feng Shui taboo that has caused many businesses to collapse.

Never have a water feature on the right hand side of your front door 

This is the most commonly reported reason for a partner to go astray. In nine out of ten cases where a partner has affairs with other human, a water feature is present on the right side of the front door (inside out). The worst kind of water features to tempt some partner wandering eye are in-ground ponds and pools. These are also the most difficult to change. If a stubborn pond lover or fish lover often refuses to “close” his beloved pond, despite the unfavourable implications of Feng Shui, he ends up with not only an unfaithful husband, but no husband at all! Divorce is not out of the question with such a water taboo.

If you absolutely cannot move or close your pond, another solution is to move the front door. But whatever steps you take, if you value a happy life, you need to make sure that you never live with that kind of water taboo for too long. Marriage.