How to use the purple colour in Feng Shui

Feng Shui : Decoration with the Colour of Wealth and Abundance 

A combination of fiery red and expansive blue creates purple and violet associated with the crown chakra. In Feng Shui  , these colours inspire and invite abundance and royalty. Purple-violet is associated with wealth, prosperity, and self-esteem.

What is fabulous about purple is that it is considered the “beige” of Feng Shui , meaning it is the most versatile color that can be used to enhance almost any area of ​​the home. It is best used in the area of ​​wealth and prosperity and least used in the area of ​​travel and helpful people. Anywhere else, it can be an advantageous color to use if you feel you need a touch of fullness and flow.

Purple is definitely a power color.

It is best used by an entrepreneur, CEO, or someone in a position of influence who is looking for more recognition. You could boost your fame sector with a dose of pretty purple and boost your reputation.

Purple encourages creativity.

You can use purple in the office, children’s room, library or any room where you want to let your creativity flow. Especially if this creativity is used to make money, it will be a double blessing in that area. Try putting a purple orchid on your desk where you work. I’ve always used this trick to boost my own creativity and it has worked every time.

Purple is the color of divine wisdom.

The crown chakra is represented and healed by the color purple, which is the chakra of your connection with the divine and spirituality. Because of this, purple is a great color for a more meditative space or a calming corner. If you have a place where you curl up and read self-help books, try throwing in a purple pillow or throw.

Amethyst is the purple crystal.

And amethyst is the most popular crystal that people decorate with, along with clear quartz and selenite. Amethyst is a power crystal because it covers so many healing aspects. You can always use crystals as an effortless way to enhance the energy in your home for good Feng Shui .


Purple is the color of money flow. Wearing purple clothes or ties is great for anyone in the sales industry. This includes bankers, real estate agents, film producers, creative agencies or anyone who moves with money. When it comes to creating new business opportunities, it’s wise to use purple in a personal and wealth-enhancing way.


Flying Stars October 2022

  • Conflict Star flies to the center of chart
  • Arguments flare up, fights worsen
  • Lawsuits & legal troubles
  • NE-N-NW luckiest axis
  • Center-SE-South-SW-West need remedies

As we move into October, the #3 Conflict Star flies into the center sector, exacerbating the ill effects of the annual Five Yellow. This colours the whole month with quarrels and conflict energy, both on a micro and macro level. Strong remedies are needed in the center of the home. Place peace apples in the center part of the home this month and try not to make too much noise here. Move your socialising to the NE, North or NW sectors if you can.

The lucky sectors are highlighted in yellow, and the afflicted sectors in red. Superimpose the above monthly flying star chart over your floorplan and move your daily activities to the “lucky” sectors if you can – this month, these are East, NE, North and NW.

The SE and SW bring illness; family members who are elderly should avoid sleeping or spending too much time in these sectors. The SW also afflicts the Matriarch of the home, who should be more careful with health concerns. Don’t treat symptoms too lightly; best to get checked out if you feel that something is not right.


 The SE gets afflicted by the monthly illness star #2. If your main door is located here, you could
 suffer from illnesses that affect the liver region.


The violent star is strong this month as it joins the annual enhancing star in this South. An unlucky time for those with South-facing houses, with risk of burglary and loss.


The Enhancing Star strengthens the annual illness star here, making this sector dangerous for those already experiencing health difficulties. When the energy is afflicted in this sector, it affects the stomach and mouth. The star combination here also impacts marriages negatively.


The Victory Star here brings auspicious indications for those pursuing academic endeavours and those in high-profile careers.


A noisy month with the Argument Star adding fuel to the annual 5 Yellow. There are money troubles and disputes indicated, that can be bad for business and ruinous for relationships.

7  5      WEST – ROBBERY & LOSS

The West area gets seriously afflicted as the monthly 5 Yellow moves into this sector, joining the already dangerous #7. It brings health problems, money loss and obstacles to the occupants of this sector


The NE is blessed by the Heavenly Star 6. Combining with the annual Prosperity Star, this sector becomes very lucky indeed this month! Occupants of the NE may enjoy unexpected financial windfalls. Obstacles that seems insurmountable before can simply evaporate.


Great prosperity and money luck materializes for occupants of the North, and those living in North facing houses. The stars here enhance business and growth luck and bring good prospects for career advancement.


Fortunes change for the better in the NW with the #4 bringing scholastic, creative and relationships luck. When the #4 pairs up with the heaven star, it brings unexpected windfalls, particularly for men. It also brings powerful completion luck.



The Feng Shui Trinity of Happiness

The Feng Shui Trinity of Happiness – 13 ways to improve happiness in your life


There are many people who consider themselves lucky and just as many who don’t, but no matter which side of the good-bad-luck fence you fall on, Feng Shui  can help you change two-thirds of your luck. Luck seems to only happen to certain people or people born under a lucky star.

But others seem to have the luck in their favour.

In the West, happiness is often viewed as something you either have or don’t have, and the thought is that if you’re not lucky, you can’t change that.

But that is not the Eastern view of happiness.

In Asia, and especially in China, happiness is seen as a trinity.

It consists of three parts that together make up a person’s overall happiness. The three parts consist of Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck.

Together, heaven, earth and human happiness are the sum of your personal happiness.

The first part, Heaven Luck, is a kind of luck based on who gave you birth and when, like your physical condition, like your eye color or DNA.

This happiness is not affected by religion, spells, or personal will. This can easily be summed up as your destiny or karma. You cannot change who you were born, or your DNA, and that makes Heaven Luck part of the trinity of happiness, which is static and unchanging.

The second part is your earthly happiness, and it’s the kind of happiness that literally surrounds you – and you can change that happiness.

Happiness on earth is represented by your home or whatever is right outside your door. For example, let’s say you live in an area with nice homes, but then realise they were built over a toxic landfill. Or maybe you have a view of a graveyard or a large moat.

The house you live in and the environment in which it is located have a huge impact on your happiness.

Although you cannot change a mountain in the distance, which is considered a very promising environmental energy, you can change your home if it is too crowded or if it is unattractive and unattractive. Both play a role in your earthly happiness.

Earth happiness is also another way of saying Feng Shui .

Human happiness is shifting and a type of happiness that you can greatly influence by choosing where you live, how you live, how you care for and decorate your home, and by observing various time-dimensional changes in energy, such as shui. This can be changed by applying Feng Shui  symbols, personal Feng Shui , and harmoniously and pleasingly designing, landscaping, and decorating your home.

The last kind of happiness is your man happiness.

This is the happiness you have about your actions. Some lack Man Luck because they don’t believe in the idea that their actions trigger energies that work in their favour.

Some say that the appropriate and correct application of Feng Shui  is part of your man’s happiness, and others believe that man’s happiness is a direct result of the way you engage in your life.

Some choose to work hard, others study harder than other students to help themselves advance academically. Whether you are saving, studying, applying for a job or acting on your behalf, such as B. Investing money, these are all parts of your manly happiness.

Man Luck is the kind of luck that has great depth and potential – because it’s based on you and your actions.

Those who protect their health, their outlook, and their actions reflect their desire to be the best for themselves. Not surprisingly, these are the lucky ones.

But there are others who allow themselves to be taken advantage of, surround themselves with negative people, or engage in negative self-talk. There are people who please people and others who don’t grow because they’re stubbornly clinging to every wrong that’s ever been done to them, or because they only feel good when they’re victims or helpless.

The lucky ones are flawed people, imperfect and full of problems, just like the unlucky ones.

The difference is that those with Man Luck choose to look at what they have and what they can do to help themselves.

They are committed to improving their lives, taking personal responsibility for their actions and creating new paths, growing and striving to be better. They realise that everything begins and ends with them and their actions.

For those who don’t have male happiness, the blame usually lies with others, circumstances, their parents, or their upbringing…almost everyone but themselves.

However, Man Luck is the easiest luck to change. It boils down to your choices.

Here are 13 ways you can change and improve your happiness as a man and your happiness on earth.


• Keep your home in good condition and work to make it attractive to you. A clean, beautiful home invites positive energy into your life.

• Follow Feng Shui  and address the changing energies that ebb and flow over time, such as: B. the annual and monthly Feng Shui .

• Look for a living space with good environmental Feng Shui , e.g. B. in a nice neighbourhood, with favourable landscape features such as views, lakes, sea, rivers and mountains or hills. These views also bring beneficial energy.

• Try to live in a house that maintains good Feng Shui  positioning in the landscape, known as the armchair position, with an elevation at the back of the house and slight elevations on the sides.

• Decorate your home, bedroom and office with symbols expressing your desires for health, beauty, love, success, happiness or wealth.

• Decorate your bedroom with good Feng Shui , have a headboard on your bed and keep your front door   clean and inviting.

•  Protect and enhance your front door to bring opportunity into your life.


• Check out what you can do. A don’t go attitude will turn every street you turn into a dead end. It is easy to see what is not possible, but seeing what is possible will help you move forward in life. This is especially helpful when you’re feeling stuck.

• Take responsibility for your actions and reactions. If you take responsibility for the circumstances and make changes accordingly, your luck will change. Admit when you’re wrong, stand by the truth, and commit to taking action in your life. For the same reason, when you make a change and take an action, give yourself praise and acknowledge your accomplishment.

• Take steps to address longstanding issues in your life. If you’re prone to negative self-talk, change that. Talk to yourself as nicely as you would to a dear friend. If that’s too hard, follow the mantra that saying nothing at all is better than saying something mean to yourself.

• Resist victimhood, helplessness, and pity. These are all traps you can fall into, and they become a drug that robs you of your self-respect, your ability to see your life clearly, and to own your life. These drugs ensure that you remain trapped in a self-made trap and are at the mercy of life.

• Accept enthusiasm. Cool disinterest, blah-blah attitude and non-response are socially acceptable and accepted. This creates a life of cool disinterest, blah-blah experiences, and numb living. Be excited, be amazed again and be enthusiastic. You will be amazed at how people react to you and what life sends you.

• Look for inspiration. Where can you get inspiration? Is it with a new social group, a personal coach, a vacation, a goal and the steps you’ll take to reach it? Maybe it’s a podcast with a self-help guru or going to a concert regularly. Find a way to get inspired and stay inspired and spend less time with people who are negative and not supportive of you and spend more time with people and circumstances that uplift you!

Feng Shui lucky colours and objects

Lucky objects and colours bring prosperity, abundance and protection

Creating good Feng Shui  that promotes prosperity, happiness, and opportunity can go well beyond your front door or the way you decorate your bedroom. Feng Shui  can be incorporated into the accessories in your home in the car and clothing colours you choose.

As I began to make Feng Shui  my lifestyle, I noticed that these decisions tended to have a positive impact.

Today I live Feng Shui .

This means I choose colours that are complementary in Feng Shui  and work to incorporate all the elements of fire, water, metal, wood and earth in what I wear and what I surround myself with. Because as you build and build vital, harmonious energy or chi, you will be infused with this beneficial energy.

As you think more thoughtfully and consciously about your habits, decor, and personal Feng Shui , you begin to attract and focus energy – which builds up just like money – and it attracts money too!

Use these symbols to build your Feng Shui  energy at work, at home, and within yourself for more opportunity, financial gain, and happiness.

The royal phoenixThe mythical phoenix is ​​a bird of unlimited possibilities. The presentation of this majestic bird brings opportunities for business, socialising and love. It’s the perfect symbol when times are tough because it’s resurrected from Ash mythology.

You can simulate the bird by placing a stone in front of the house that represents a small footstool. The stone should look appropriate in the landscape and be about two feet wide. Display pictures of peacocks or other birds with bright plumage indoors to inspire your life for greater success and recognition.

Pair of Black and Green Colours Green is the color of growth and the Southeast wealth sector.

Black is the color of water and in Feng Shui  the color of wealth.

If you want to inspire business or personal growth, wear black and green colours, e.g. B. A black suit with a green shirt. It’s an elegant look that is harmonious to advance your business and financial opportunities.

Use symbols for personal protection.

Unfortunately, there are unscrupulous people in the world who are jealous and do not want others to succeed. Your negative thoughts can be very powerful and difficult to combat. Many countries use the protective eye to symbolise staring back at negative energies.

This symbol is used to protect yourself from anyone directing their negative thoughts at you. Carry an Evil Eye keychain or hang an Evil Eye banner to ward off this type of negative energy.

Older Asian women sometimes wear the double fish to protect themselves from their man’s affections migrating to a younger woman.

Choose a protective amulet or symbol that is meaningful to you.

Wear protective amulets like a Pi Yao when facing political activity or having to have your back turned to the Three Killings, or when your front door, bedroom, or office faces the Three Killings year-round.

Wear Feng Shui  jewellery. Auspicious jewellery with precious stones, gold and silver are all ways to increase your personal energy of prosperity. Real gold, silver and platinum are also protective. Precious and semi-precious stones are always cheap to wear.

Pearls are associated with the moon, intelligence and luck. Wearing them is considered good luck and promotes female beauty.

The Mighty Horse Brings RecognitionHorses are symbols of fire, recognition, glory – and the spoils of victory. Horses activate the energy of the southern sector and bring wonderful recognition energy. It draws your attention to the people who can help you advance your career.

If the horse is particularly beautiful and royally adorned, it is called a tribute horse. This is associated with horses presented to the victors by the conquered, laden with precious gems and other beautiful objects.

The horse is particularly valued because it promotes advancement and personal development. Place a statue of winning horses on your desk for career glory.

The Wealth Buddha

The large smiling Buddha seen in Chinese restaurants is commonly regarded as the Buddha of Wealth and is believed to bring good business and financial success to the establishment.

Business people should place a Buddha on their desk or in their office to help them bring abundance into the workplace. Look for fat lucky Buddhas carrying a big bag or sitting on gold bars, coins and other objects of wealth to represent a big bag of money!

Protect peacock feathers.  Worried about violence, burglary or robbery? If the annual 7 stars are on the doorstep, caution is advised. Setting out a vase of peacock feathers will help protect your home.

If you’re parking in a dodgy area of ​​the city, installing peacock feathers in your car will not only protect you from burglaries, but also from car accidents.

6 ways to grow your Business with Feng Shui

Support from the Cosmic Tortoise – 6 Ways to Grow your Income

Few things in life are as enriching as feeling supported.

In Feng Shui, support can come in the form of friends to help you, the right support becomes available in times of need, and business, career, and employment opportunities arise when you need them.

If that describes your life, you have what is known in Feng Shui as good tortoise support.

The turtle is considered one of four heavenly creatures. The turtle represents the north direction, the element water and the number one. His corner of the bagua represents earned income, e.g. B. from a job or business, and for assistance in career and business endeavours.

Turtles are often confused with turtles and are land creatures. Turtles are at home in the water. In Feng Shui, the black turtle is represented by hills or mountains behind the house. However, the tortoise can also be a land elevation or a taller building behind your home.

When this element is present you have support when you need it and the relaxation that comes from living fully supported, protected and happy.

Like turtles, turtles are considered very auspicious in Feng Shui, and the names turtle and tortoise are often used interchangeably. When present, they attract the good fortune of wealth and generate income and business opportunities.

Perhaps more importantly, they offer protection from malevolent forces and misfortune, and unlike the phoenix and dragon, are a truly living celestial beast. The presence of the turtle in your home and life bodes well for making money and having many opportunities to advance.

The tortoise also represents longevity – and we all know the benefits of staying power.

The tortoise, with its slow, plodding ways, wins the race in Aesop’s fable. Turtles show that those who keep working and persevering will win the race – and the turtle empowers you to keep going.

The turtle is also important for Feng Shui because it carries the Feng Shui map, the Lo Shu square, on its back. If you look at the shell of a turtle, you can see the individual squares of the bagua or lo shu square.

Chinese legends tell how the turtle came out of the Lo River and carried the secrets and mysteries of the bagua, the source of Feng Shui.

Of course, some homes don’t have land at the back of their home, and if they don’t, supporting the tortoise can be mimicked with landscaping or even a picture of a tortoise or tortoise on the back of the home.

Use these 6 tips to increase income, support and happiness in your life with the beautiful Sky Turtle support.

Collect more wealth!

Placing a turtle figurine or picture in the southeast is another way to increase your cash. Even better? A real tortoise in the Southeast Wealth Sector will not only help your investments grow, but also protect them. The small forest of the southeastern prosperity sector loves the turtle’s water energy. A fountain with a turtle figure is also a great wealth activator!

Sleep Well!

Put a small turtle figurine under your bed to help you sleep better at night. The added support gives you more refreshing calm and protection while you sleep – and attracts more income and opportunity to you while you sleep.

Gain income opportunities!

Adding a turtle figurine or picture to your office will increase your support and recognition at work – not to mention opportunities to climb the corporate ladder – and make more money! Put a Chinese coin in the mouth to represent the impending arrival of money.

Increase your earning power!

Place a turtle picture or figurine in the north sector of your living room to increase your income and create opportunities for more income and job promotion.

Improve your health!

If you desire happier family relationships and better, more vibrant health, add a turtle to the east sector of your home or living room to improve both areas of your life. The turtle, a symbol of water, reinforces the wooden corner to the east to make it grow. This growth also represents a growing wallet.

The dragon and the turtle improve your career!

If you are looking for some serious income growth and opportunity, consider adding a dragon turtle to your office. These creatures are the embodiment of both the dragon (power) and the turtle (protection, influence), and together they symbolise the development of luck in work and business. Add him to your desk, on the side since he’s too powerful to confront, or on a table behind your desk. Put a Chinese coin in his mouth to represent increasing income.

The Meaning of Topaz in Feng Shui

Topaz is a beautiful stone that is often used for restoration, relaxation and manifestation, and the stone has many spiritual meanings as well.

There are different types of topaz, each with unique properties. Precious topaz, which is orange or red, is one of the birthstones associated with November. Blue topaz is one of the December birthstones. People born under the zodiac signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn are said to wear topaz.

Topaz is also a good and auspicious stone to use in Feng Shui. Discover the healing energy of topaz to enhance your home’s Feng Shui.

Activate Kun, the relationship corner

There is an area on the Feng Shui bagua card called kun that is associated with relationships, partnerships and love. Kun is also related to Yin Earth, which is very receptive. Think of a soft, nourishing soil for plants to grow and thrive on. Many of us can become overly focused on doing more and more things, and we sometimes forget to sit back and receive. If you wish to cultivate this more receptive energy, try placing topaz in the relationship corner of your home with this intention. The Kun position is in the far right corner of your home or bedroom when you stand at the entrance and look inside. The Kun position is associated with the color pink, so pink topaz would be particularly supportive in this area.

Activate Tai Qi, the area of ​​health

The Tai Qi is the center of the Feng Shui Bagua. It represents your overall well-being. Because it is in the center, Tai Qi is connected to all the surrounding Bagua areas, each representing a different area of ​​life. That makes sense when you think about it: a strong wellness foundation makes it that much easier to make positive changes in all other areas of life as well. With greater well-being, you can show yourself more fully in your career, relationships, family, and so on. To activate Tai Qi, place a yellow, orange, or brown topaz crystal in the center of your home or bedroom. These colours are all expressions of the earth, which is the element associated with Tai Qi.