Meaning of a laughing BUDAI (Buddha)

The meanings of a Laughing BUDAI (Buddha)

The laughing Buddha is in stark contrast to the stereotypical monk. This eccentric monk with a pure heart is said to be a reincarnation of Gautama Buddha himself and is said to welcome good energy into your space. His statues and figures come in different materials and poses, mostly in gold.

Since each pose has a different meaning of the Laughing Buddha, it is important to understand which pose to place at home and which direction to take. Here’s a look at each meanings of Laughing Buddha and Feng Shui tips on how to incorporate them into your home.

This pose of the Buddha has two meanings. The first interpretation is that he will put all your problems and worries in the bag and take them away from your home or office. The second is that it will bring you and your family an abundance of success and fortune.
Feng Shui tip: May 8th is Buddha’s birthday and it is said that lighting a candle in front of the statue on that day will increase your blessings and happiness.

Laughing BUDAI (Buddha): Both hands raised above his head

With both hands raised above his head, this laughing Buddha carries either a bowl or coins in his palms and represents a complete indictment of material possessions. It also means victory in financial matters or personal obstacles. According to legend, this pose brings blessings from heaven and added happiness in your endeavors.
Feng Shui tip: placing this statue in the southeast corner of your room will increase the financial gain.

Laughing BUDAI (Buddha): With a sack

This pose of the Buddha has two meanings. The first interpretation is that he will put all your problems and worries in the bag and take them away from your home or office. The second is that it will bring you and your family an abundance of success and fortune.
Feng Shui tip: May 8th is Buddha’s birthday, and they say that lighting a candle in front of the statue on this day will compound your blessings and good fortune

Laughing BUDAI (Buddha): Playing with Children

In its most innocent form, this laughing Buddha statue is usually surrounded by five children. It improves fertility and also strengthens your child’s immunity and overall health. It also fills your space with childlike positivity and enthusiasm.
Feng Shui tip: Ensure you don’t place the Laughing Buddha near any electrical outlets, or over the TV

Laughing BUDAI (Buddha): With a Fan

Gives you strength & positivity

They believe that this statue will give you strength and positivity to face and overcome any lingering problems that you have faced for a while. Sometimes the Laughing Buddha also welcomes carefree and joy in your home in the form of guests.
Feng Shui tip: Place the statue at eye level, preferably on your desk, for best results

Laughing BUDAI (Buddha): Deep in Meditation

 A laughing Buddha in a deep, meditative pose usually symbolizes a balanced mind. This statue brings peace and tranquillity to a room that is full of misunderstanding, turbulence, or negativity. It also reinforces the belief that one needs a calm mind to overcome obstacles.
Feng Shui tip: In order for it to work, you should put it in a place that can be viewed by every family member or office colleague