Feng Shui Arrangement kitchen

Feng Shui Arrangement and Layout for the kitchen and stove

The kitchen should be adequately lit.

It should be airy and spacious.

Do not place the stove next to or directly across from the sink or  refrigerator. 

This is due to the incompatibility of the elements water and fire.

The stove must be at least one meter away from the sink.

The opening of the stove should face one of the best directions of the family man/woman. This provides power to the stove and the
food  prepared in it is an auspicious experience for the family.

Don’t try to liven up the kitchen with Feng Shui figures or mirrors.

Kitchens should be closer to the back door than the front door.

The kitchen should never be in the middle of the house.


Good Feng Shui kitchens should consider the orientation of the stove and oven. With a favourable orientation, the stove can bring enormous happiness to a family.

The kitchen stove should not be in the north-west sector. This is referred to as “Fire at Heaven’s Gate” and brings misfortune to the
breadwinner and causes the head of the household to lose their job and money.

The stove should not face the main door or a bedroom door.

The stove should not be located directly under an exposed ceiling beam.

Ovens should not be placed directly under a toilet on the floor above.

The stove should not be placed directly in front of a toilet door.


Two Important Elements feature the kitchen

Fire Element: Stove/Oven

Water Element: Sink & Refrigerator



Creating Feng Shui in Living Room

Creating Good Feng Shui in the Living Room

Creating a balanced and positively energetic home is the essence of living with good Feng Shui. The living room in particular is extremely important as this is where the family gathers, where there is a lot of entertainment and therefore it is a room where there is constant activity. For a household to enjoy good Feng Shui, this part of the home must be welcoming to all who enter and filled with good chi.

Here are some simple steps to instantly improve your living room Feng Shui.

Clean up and keep things tidy

Remove all clutter and give the living room a thorough spring cleaning. Clutter leads to stagnant energy, holding back negative chi and blocking the flow of good chi. By removing old, damaged or unwanted items, you allow new energies to enter the space. Clear tabletops and wipe down figurines, photo frames and any memorabilia you want to keep and throw away those you don’t want to keep. Open your curtains, windows, and doors at least once a day to let in fresh air and sunlight.


Burn some incense and clean the living room of stale chi with bells or singing bowls. This is especially helpful if there has been a recent dispute in this area.


The five elements – earth, metal, water, wood and fire – represent the cycles of nature that determine our health and well-being. When the elements are in balance, happiness and happiness can manifest for everyone in the home. When out of balance, they cause emotional turmoil and conflict between residents. Make sure you have all 5 items in your living room. You can use the elements themselves or use shapes and colours that represent the 5 elements.

The colours of the earth are earthy brown, yellow and beige. The shapes representing the earth are squares. Natural crystals are wonderful enhancers of earth chi.

The metal colours are white, purple, grey and metallic. The shapes that represent metal are spheres and circles. To reinforce the metal element, furniture and decorative items made of brass, copper or other metals can be used.

The water colours are black and all shades of blue. The shapes representing water are curvy and wavy. Water features such as aquariums and water bowls can be used to emphasise the element of water.

The wood colours are exclusively shades of green. The shapes that represent wood are rectangles and columns. Indoor plants are great for strengthening Wood Chi.

Fire colours are red, maroon and orange. The shape that represents fire is the triangle. Lights, lamps and candles are wonderful enhancers of the fire element.


The seating direction of each family member when they meet in the living room is also important. If possible, everyone should look in one of their lucky directions. This will help ensure family harmony within the home. You can use our KUA calculator to look up your lucky and unlucky directions.

Arrange your sectional sofa, chairs, and TV so family members can face one of their four happy directions. There should be a comfortable seat for each member of the household. Also, have extra seating available for guests because we want everyone to feel welcome and welcomed. Ideally, the seats should face each other to invite conversation and interaction. Eliminate clutter or obstacles that might prevent you from walking comfortably around the seats and avoid people sitting with their backs to the door.

Do’s and taboos for the living room

Create a collection of meaningful items, e.g. B. Memorabilia from family trips and family photos. Make sure your choice conveys happy energies. When you see these articles, they should bring a smile to your face.

DO NOT display paintings or photos of wild animals such as tigers in the living room. Weapons such as firearms and swords should also be avoided.

While living plants bring life-giving chi, not all plants are equally fortunate. Avoid plants with thorns or sharp leaves like cacti or anything that looks menacing.

A laughing Buddha in the living room is a great addition to increase the energies of happiness and togetherness.


Feng Shui and the advantage of clutter

What brings you to a clean, organised home?

It gives you a sense of calm!

Imagine walking into a room with the ceilings cleared and no papers and clutter strewn about. What feeling does that evoke in you? That’s the AHAAAAA feeling you get when you walk into a hotel room…it’s neat and you can actually see the room and not all the stuff.

It gives you your health back!

Dirty, cluttered houses can make you tired, congested, have back pain, and be constipated. Not just because there’s stuff everywhere, but because there’s dust on all that stuff, and dust is nothing but negative energy. Unclog your home and see improvements in your health and well-being.

It gives you wealth!

Think back to the times when you were doing well financially… With money worries piling up, have you ever made the correlation that all the stuff around you has? Get rid of it and you will see the flow of finance again.

It puts you in control of your life!

Suddenly, after tidying up, there is order in the universe, you find what you are looking for, the feeling of being overwhelmed is not omnipresent and you look forward to things; life is sweet again.

What do you want from life?

Check the list below for ideas where clutter stops the flow.

LOVE – Tidy up the SOUTHWEST corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Clutter here can manifest itself in relationship problems or cause health problems such as a large stomach, problems with the reproductive or excretory system, or a bulging midsection.

MONEY – Tidy up the SOUTHEAST corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Clutter here can lead to problems with lack of savings (accumulated wealth), low returns, and trouble in the hips, legs, and knees. Start a savings program – no matter how small – to boost your energy to build your wealth.

FRIENDS, FAME, RECOGNITION – Clean up the SOUTH corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Clutter here can cause problems with recognition, difficulties with friends and socialising, and health issues like vision and heart problems. Lighten and brighten this area and create an open space (air feeds fire!) and watch the stress drop and the fun rise.

HEALTH, FAMILY GROWTH – Tidy up the EAST corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Problems lead to difficulties with family members, tension in the home, and problems with the skin, liver, and feet. Embellish with water images to nourish the wood energy of this sector and improve health and family relationships.

CAREER, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES – Tidy up the NORTH corner of your home, bedroom, living room, desk and office. Problems and clutter in this area cause kidney and ear problems. Brighten and illuminate this area and create space to improve the flow of water energy here which offers career and business opportunities.

KIDS/BABIES, CREATIVITY, PROJECTS TO FLOWER – Tidy up the WEST corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office to see projects coming to fruition. Clutter in this area causes problems with children, lungs, mouth and teeth. Add metal to this area to add movement to projects and help kids.

EDUCATION, PERSONAL GROWTH, SPIRITUALITY, WRITING – Clean up the NETHERLANDS corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Clutter in this area keeps you from thinking clearly and making good decisions, and keeps you anxious and insecure about your life. It also affects your hands and can cause problems like arthritis.

TRAVEL, MENTORS, HELPFUL PEOPLE – Tidy up the NORTHWEST corner of your home, bedroom, living room and office. Clutter in this area creates problems with men, the man of the house, international business and travel, and finding people to help and support you in life. Excessive clutter in this corner can cause problems with the head, such as: E.g. worries, high blood pressure and headaches. Open this space and the world will open up for you!


The clutter effects and Feng Shui

How clutter affects you and what to do about it

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Creating a healthy, energetic home or office depends on care. Keeping your home or office clutter-free and clutter-free is a lot easier than keeping track of papers, throwing out old magazines, or otherwise disposing of the things you no longer need, want, or use.

Because of this, many people don’t bother with this type of routine maintenance, and that’s decluttering: just another part of regular home maintenance.

It’s easy to close the closet door or close a cluttered drawer, but you know it’s there, and every time you open that drawer or door, that clutter awaits. Just knowing it’s there and not going away can be a source of stress.

That’s why regular cleaning – and decluttering – is so important.

How did that happen? Only You Know

Is it a habit to drop clothes in one spot? Maybe it’s an addiction to paper or it’s the clothes you can’t part with because you know you’re going to lose those extra 10 pounds eventually.

It could be that you don’t take the time to look at all these things regularly and turn a blind eye to the chaos and clutter that you know is there.

YOU ARE THE EXPERT in your own chaos.

Give yourself permission to forget the reason why it happened this way and instead make regular appointments to let go of your excess.

Let’s go over some basics about dirty, cluttered houses versus clean and organised houses…

What does a messy, cluttered home do to you?

It makes you tired.

A cluttered home is a visual and psychological burden. All that stuff makes you tired. One of the most tired people I know is a collector. Antiques are their specialty. Everything is collectible. But that doesn’t mean she has to collect it. This client is slowly letting go of her passion for collecting and her energy is coming back.

It makes you hopeless.

Simply put, too much stuff is overwhelming and you can’t handle it all, so throw your psychological hands up in the air in frustration. That leads to this hopeless, it’s all inevitable, why bother? Feeling.

It robs you of money.

Have you ever noticed the houses of the mega rich? You are a study in restraint. They notice their homes because their stuff isn’t everywhere.

Again and again, the environment of people struggling to survive is often full of disorder and chaos. Keeping that massive baseball cap collection in check is important. Be mindful of your possessions, like collectibles that have taken over the house or if you just have too much stuff. Get rid of all but the most important things.

You can do it!

How does clutter harm you?

It makes you feel out of control in your life. That’s because the stuff is in control and you are not.

Get in the driver’s seat of your life and take control of all these things by donating, throwing away or organising. There are more organisers these days to help you find a place for almost everything in your home.